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Venus Phi by Estaryia Venus

Venus Phi

Sound Frequencies for Harmony & Integration

by Estaryia Venus

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
30 Min.


Listen and experience the harmonizing sound frequencies of the Earth and Venus. These sound healing frequencies are combined to create the sacred geometry of the phi ratio (Fibonacci spiral) — to harmonize you with the foundational pattern of creation.

The Phi Ratio (Fibonacci spiral), is the mathematical relationship — geometry — that is found in every aspect of creation, including the human body, and is the main ratio in the human heart. The sound healing frequency pattern on this sound track creates harmony and integration on a cellular level.

The pure tonal sound frequencies on this sound track are produced with the evolutionary Harmonic Tuning Tube technology bringing you harmonic sound healing stimulation at its best.

It has been discovered that by repetitive listening to sound frequencies you can reprogram your subconscious mind and begin to generate these beneficial frequency patterns internally your self. The more you listen the more you positively enhance your mind and body.

Use for:
* Balance & harmony
* Relaxation
* Stress release
* Regenerating the mind and body
* Meditation
* Yoga
* Massage therapy
* Combine with any type of healing modality

Listen with or without headphones (headphones not needed)

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