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Radical Reformation and a New Renaissance by John Shelby Spong

Radical Reformation and a New Renaissance

by John Shelby Spong

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
56 Min.


A new religious reformation may be in order - a visionary and propensive revitalization of Christianity, which knows Jesus is a gateway to the Great Mystery or God, and also honors great teachers and exemplars of other traditions. This is a Christianity based on justice, compassion, love and the emergence of a new humanity. Spong speaks eloquently, as someone with abundant pastoral experience, as well being an accomplished scholar; Spong speaks eloquently to the changing times and delivers both inspiration and hope in this stirring dialogue. Available as cd, audio tape and transcript

John Shelby Spong was the Episcopal Bishop of Newark for 24 years and is the author of numerous books, including A New Christianity for a New World (HarperSanFrancisco 2002) and Here I Stand (HarperSanFrancisco 2000).

Topics explored in this dialogue:

  • How is the "new Christianity" personally relevant to you
  • Why the Gospels are not to be taken literally
  • What is evil and does it exist
  • How do you get beyond fear and judgment
  • What is the Divine Feminine

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