Free Resource - June 23rd, 2010 |
Today's Free Resource
The Teachings of Lama Surya Das Podcast
Listen to this podcast from American-born Buddhist teacher Lama Surya Das. In these podcasts he focuses on the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism which seeks through meditation to reach a natural condition of the mind. Born and raised in New York, Lama Surya Das speaks fast and to the point in a fashion that isn't what you'd typically expect from a Buddhist teacher. Through his direct style and clear teachings Lama Surya Das has become one of the key teachers of Buddhism in the West. Subscribe to this podcast today.
The Teachings of Lama Surya Das Podcast
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"As long as there is suffering in the world, there is spiritual work to do," explains Lama Surya Das. "We are the Bodhisattvas, the future Buddhas of this world." With Buddha Is As Buddha Does, listeners will experience the fruits of the Buddha's greatest lessons.
Available on Audio Download.
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Buddha Is As Buddha Does
Shambhala Publications
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Shambhala Publications on Audio Download
Audio Books by the Dalai Lama
Audio Books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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happier life.
Over a dozen titles on MP3 download.
Audio Books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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