Shakspere: Personal Recollections
Sweepstakes; Autograph Letter of Shakspere
Birth. School Days. Shows.
Launched. Apprentice Boy. Ambition.
Farm. Life. Sport. Poaching on Lucy.
In Search of Peace and Fortune.
London. Its Guilt and Glory.
Taverns. Theatres. Variegated Society.
Theatrical Drudgery. Compositions.
Growing Literary Renown. Royal Patrons.
Bohemian Hours. Westminster Abbey. 'Love's Labours Lost.'
Queen Elizabeth. War. Shakspere in Ireland.
Rural England. 'Romeo and Juliet.'
'Julius Caesar.'
Two Tramps. By Land and Sea.
Windsor Park. 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.'
The Jew. Shylock. 'The Merchant of Venice.'
The Supernatural. 'Hamlet.'
Death of Queen Elizabeth. Coronation of King James.
Shakspere as Monologuist. King James.
Stratford. Shakspere's Death. Patriotism Down the Ages.