The Art of Public Speaking
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Things to Think of First - A Foreword
Ch. I: Acquiring Confidence Before an Audience
Ch. II: The Sin of Monotony
Ch. III: Efficiency through Emphasis and Subordination
Ch. IV: Efficiency through Change of Pitch
Ch. V: Efficiency through Change of Pace
Ch. VI: Pause and Power
Ch. VII: Efficiency through Inflection
Ch. VIII: Concentration in Delivery
Ch. IX: Force
Ch. X: Feeling and Enthusiasm
Ch. XI: Fluency through Preparation
Ch. XII: The Voice
Ch. XIII: Voice Charm
Ch. XIV: Distinctness and Precision of Utterance
Ch. XV: The Truth about Gesture
Ch. XVI: Methods of Delivery
Ch. XVII: Thought and Reserve Power
Ch. XVIII: Subject and Preparation
Ch. XIX: Influencing by Exposition
Ch. XX: Influencing by Description
Ch. XXI: Influencing by Narration
Ch. XXII: Influencing by Suggestion
Ch. XXIII: Influencing by Argument
Ch. XXIV: Influencing by Persuasion
Ch. XXV: Influencing the Crowd
Ch. XXVI: Riding the Winged Horse
Ch. XXVII: Growing a Vocabulary
Ch. XXVIII: Memory Training
Ch. XXIX: Right Thinking and Personality
Ch. XXX: After-Dinner and Other Occasional Speaking
Ch. XXXI: Making Conversation Effective
App. A: 50 Questions for Debate
App. B: 30 Themes for Speeches with Source-References
App. C: Suggestive Subjects for Speeches; Hints for Treatment
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Newell Dwight Hillis
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Henry Watterson
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - John Morley
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Robert Toombs
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Theodore Roosevelt
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Alton B. Parker
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - John W. Wescott
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Henry W. Grady
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - William Mc. Kinley
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - John Hay
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - William Jennings Bryan
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Rufus Choate
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Albert J. Beveridge
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Russell Conwell
App. D: Speeches for Study and Practice - Victor Hugo