The Reconciliation of Races and Religions
00 – Dedication; Preface
01 – Introduction
02 – [Part I. The Jewels of the Faiths]: A Study of the Chief Religions on their Best Side with a View to their Expansion and Enrichment and to an Ultimate Synthesis and to the Final Union of Races and Nations on a Spiritual Basis; Another Image of God; The Bāb; Effect of Ṣufism.
03 – [Part I. The Jewels of the Faiths]: Inayat Khan; Sheykh Aḥmad.
04 – [Part I. The Jewels of the Faiths]: Seyyid Kaẓim—Islam—Parsiism—Buddhism: From “On Aḥmad's death” to “…is too complex a question to be discussed here.”
05 – [Part I. The Jewels of the Faiths]: Seyyid Kaẓim—Islam—Parsiism—Buddhism: From “All honour to Buddhism…” to “…in his fearsome pilgrimage.”
06 – [Part I. The Jewels of the Faiths]: The Bhagavad-Gita and the Upanishads; Judaism; Christianity.
07 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Seyyid 'Ali Muḥammad (The Bāb): From “Seyyid 'Ali Muḥammad was born…” to “…on him to take some food.’ [Footnote: NH, pp. 348, 349.]”
08 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Seyyid 'Ali Muḥammad (The Bāb): From “Certainly it was a notable journey…” to “…and of the purposes of God.’ [Footnote: AMB, p. 142.]”
09 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Seyyid 'Ali Muḥammad (The Bāb): From “It is also in a book written at Maku…” to “…at length graciously acceded.”
10 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Seyyid 'Ali Muḥammad (The Bāb): From “Now when a little while had elapsed…” to “…and numerous pilgrims from many countries resort to it.” Eulogium on the Master.
11 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Mullā Ḥuseyn of Bushraweyh.
12 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Mullā Muḥammad 'Ali of Barfurush.
13 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Sayyid Yaḥya Darabi; Mullā Muḥammad 'Ali of Zanjan.
14 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Ḳurratu'l 'Ayn: From “Among the Heroes of God…” to “…to the Government”
15 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Ḳurratu'l 'Ayn: From “We next meet with her…” to “…into the very centre fount of the Bahai faith in universal peace.”
16 – [Part II. Biographical and Historical]: Baha-'ullah (Mirza Ḥuseyn Ali of Nūr).
17 – [Part III. Biographical and Historical (continued)]: Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel (or Azal); Subsequent Discoveries.
18 – [Part III. Biographical and Historical (continued)]: Dayyan; Mirza Haydar 'Ali; Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi).
19 – [Part IV. Biographical and Historical; Ambassador to Humanity]: Ambassador to Humanity
20 – [Part V. A Series of Illustrative Studies Bearing on Comparative Religion]: Eighteen (or, with the Bāb, Ninteen) Letters of the Living of the First Unity; Titles of the Bāb, etc.; The Bahai View of Religion; The New Dispensation; Manifestation.
21 – [Part V. A Series of Illustrative Studies Bearing on Comparative Religion]: Great Manifestation; When?; Non-Finality of Revelation; Early Christianity and Bahaism and Buddhism; Western and Eastern Religion.
22 – [Part V. A Series of Illustrative Studies Bearing on Comparative Religion]: Religious Teachers of the East; Reform of Islam; Synthesis of Religions.
23 – [Part V. A Series of Illustrative Studies Bearing on Comparative Religion]: Incarnations; Is Jesus Unique?; The Spirit of God.
24 – [Part V. A Series of Illustrative Studies Bearing on Comparative Religion]: Chinese and Japanese Religion; God-Man; Prayer to the Perpetual Creator; The Opportuneness of Bahaism
25 – Bahai Bibliography.