A Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter
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00 - Introduction
01 - Sylvia
02 - A New Friend
03 - Sylvia in Trouble
04 - An Unexpected Journey
05 - Estralla and Elinor
06 - Sylvia at the Plantation
07 - Sylvia Sees a Ghost
08 - A Twilight Tea-Party
09 - Troublesome Words
10 - The Palmetto Flag
11 - Sylvia Carries a Message
12 - Estralla Helps
13 - A Happy Afternoon
14 - Mr. Robert Waite
15 - Where is Sylvia
16 - In Danger
17 - A Christmas Present
18 - Great News
19 - Sylvia Makes a Promise
20 - Two Little Darky Girls
21 - Fort Sumter is Fired Upon