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- The Intellectual Temper of the Age
- Modernism & Christianity, Pt. 1
- Modernism & Christianity, Pt. 2
- The Philosophy of M. Henri Bergson, Pt. 1
- The Philosophy of M. Henri Bergson, Pt. 2
- The Philosophy of M. Henri Bergson, Pt. 3
- The Philosophy of Mr. Bertrand Russell, Pt. 1
- The Philosophy of Mr. Bertrand Russell, Pt. 2
- The Philosophy of Mr. Bertrand Russell, Pt. 3
- The Philosophy of Mr. Bertrand Russell, Pt. 4
- Shelley, or the Poetic Value of Revolutionary Principles, Pt. 1
- Shelley, or the Poetic Value of Revolutionary Principles, Pt. 2
- The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy, Pt. 1
- The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy, Pt. 2