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- The African Union and Post-Coup Intervention in Madagascar
The Dead Speak: Identity, Autochthony and the Occult in Kenya’s Western Highlands
Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress: Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs
The Intimate State: Teachers as Fault Line Between Repression and Revolution
An Expatriate Family in the Nigerian Civil War (Book Presentation and Discussion)
Anusocratie? Freemasonry, Sexual Transgression and Illicit Enrichment in Postcolonial Africa
Colonial encounters in Acholiland and Oxford: The Anthropology of F.K.Girling and Okot p'Bitek
Presidential Campaigns stops in Ghana
Somali Kinship and Bureaucratic Governance at Dagahaley Refugee Camp in Kenya
Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation
To the Volcano and Other Stories
Book Launch: Extralegal Groups in Post-Conflict Liberia
The Elders know Nothing: the Inversion of Tradition in the New Mining Context
Youth, insecurity and intimacy in the popular arts of the Niger Delta
Artistic Movements: Music, Popular Painting and Cultural Exchanges on the central African Copperbelt
Mobutist Modernism: Art Education, State Sponsorship and the Visual Arts in Zaire
Book Launch: State and Society in Nigeria
Ruth First's Red Suitcase: In and Out of the Strongroom of Memory Book launch of Written Under the Skin: Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa
Individual Adaptation Strategies to Flooding in a Low-Income Urban Setting in Nigeria
The Act of Living: Street Life, Marginality and Development in Urban Ethiopia (Book Launch)
Joao Lourenco's reform agenda in post Dos Santos Angola: Ambiguities and asymmetries
Decolonisation Dilemmas: Challenges for University Leadership
The earth compels: Forces of destruction and creation in the history of African popular culture
Unmasking Africana in British Art
The politics of distribution in Ethiopia's 'developmental state'
Public health and gender: Assumptions, disjunctures in practice, and implications for HIV prevention within marriages in Kenya
What's in a Label? Western Donors' Construction of Success and Failure in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau
Student activism in an era of decolonization
When We Speak of Nothing (book launch and discussion)
Burma Boys: World War II, memory and popular culture in central Nigeria
Fashioning Africa at Brighton Museum
Making Somaliland: Popular culture, identity and national consciousness
Transactions: Revisiting how domination worked in colonial Africa
Gender, Spectacle and Nation-making in Post-WWII Nigeria
IAB Inauguration and Lecture by Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo
Hawks and Doves in Sudan's Armed Conflict: Al-Hakkamat Baggara Women of Darfur
Democracy in Africa
African Studies Annual Lecture Is Africa Rising?
Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa
African Studies and OCAF Seminar: Staying Out of Place: The Dialectics of Being and Becoming in Exceptional Spaces
African Studies and Horn of Africa Seminar: South Sudan Crisis Roundtable
'Live Dangerously Brothers': Liberia's Ex-Combatants and their place in the post war city
What are friends for? Friendship and Public life in the post colony: African Studies Centre Annual Lecture 2013
Transitional justice in the Somali setting
State-building in Somali Studies: Future framework
Insider-outsider and gendered dynamics for Somali researchers in Somalia
The evolving role of Islamist groups in Somali politics
Crisis and displacement; different solutions for different kinds of displaced
Growing up in the New South Africa
The return of garrison rule in the Ethiopian Ogaden, 2006-2012
Human rights in Africa: opportunities and challenges
The ANC in Exile
'Now we are all workers.' The remaking of marginality on the streets of Addis Ababa's inner city
The British Army and Mau Mau, 1952-56
2012 Annual African Studies lecture. Diaspora and Spiritual Awakening: Religion and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Life of Kwame Nkrumah
Surviving on the Margins: Youth and the Underground Oil Economy in the Niger Delta
Somalia after the London Meeting: How Much Difference Does a Day Make?
Squatter movements in the Vaal Triangle
Buganda Nationalism in the 21st Century
Kenya's Somalia Invasion: Security, Development and Humanitarian Assistance in Eastern Africa
The Legitimation of Criminal Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda: international, national and localised courts
The Politics of Ethnicity in Ethiopia: Actors, Power and Mobilisation under Ethnic Federalism
Who Killed Dag Hammarskjöld? The UN, the Cold War, and White Supremacy in Africa
The Killing Fields: The Impact of the Global Arms Trade on Africa
Zimbabwe's Fast Track Land Reform: Politics, Production and Accumulation
Potency and the Role of the Environment in KhoeSan medicine
African Local Knowledge: Natural, Biomedical and Supernatural Ideas about Livestock Health
Power, Ambition and Ideas in the political career of Apartheid Prime Minister H F Verwoerd
The Ecology of Conflict: Human-Wildlife Conflict on the Hwange National Park Boundary, Zimbabwe'
Climate Change and Conflict in Sudan: what if development is not the answer to save Darfur?
Ethnic violence, water scarcity and managing resources to promote peace
Cruising through Uncertainty: Mobile Phone Practices and the Politics of Respect in Southern Mozambique
ORENGA Special Lecture - Fashola's Lagos: the man, the method, the megacity
Witchcraft and the Colonial Life of the Fetish (African History and Politics Seminar)
'Rubber Will Not Keep in this Country' - Failed Development in Benin, 1897-1921 (African History and Politics Seminar)
The Politics of Legal Pluralism: the Case of Community Policing in Mozambique and Swaziland (African Studies Seminar)
Worldliness, Citiness, Postcolonial Life and Thinking from the South
'City, Art, Motion: Rethinking the "Now" in Johannesburg' (Annual Lecture 2011)
Ethnicity, Power and Kinship. Female Chiefs in Tanzania, 1870-1940
Pan-African Solidarity in the Central African Federation, 1953-1963 (African History and Politics Seminar)
How to Build a Successful Opposition Party in Africa (African History and Politics Seminar)
Women, Sports and Societies in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa (African History and Politics Seminar)
Support Democracy Abroad: The Record in Africa
The Fischer Lecture: Human Rights and the Law in South Africa (African Studies Seminar/Rhodes House Trust)
Politics and Genocide: Rwanda (African Studies Seminar)
Encountering Islam in Eastern African: Transnational History and Imperialism, c. 1880-1930 (Global and Imperial History Research Seminar)
The case of the slave ship Progresso: the Royal Navy, the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the Cape (African Studies Centre Seminar)
Dambisa Moyo Lecture (African History and Politics Seminar)
100 Years of 'Struggle' Between the Polity and the Market in South Africa (African History and Politics Seminar)
20 Years of Multi-Partyism in Kenya (African Studies Seminar)
Development as an Alien Culture: the purposes of governance in South Africa
Islam, the ‘Originaires’ and the making of the public space in a colonial city: Saint Louis of Senegal
Detective Fictions: In Pursuit of Sovereignty in the Postcolony