
Our Back to School Special

LearnOutLoud.com has created these "101" Introductions for a variety of subjects to get you started learning. Go back to school with these resources of audiobooks, podcasts, lectures, and free audio & video covering the basics of these educational disciplines. At the beginning of every school year we update these pages with the absolute best new resources we've added in each subject! So get busy learning out loud!

American Literature 101
Listening to audio books and lectures is an excellent way to study American Literature. With numerous free audio books of classic works, along with literature and poetry recorded by superb narrators, listening to American literature can be more fun than reading it.

Art History 101
Do you love art and desire to gain a deeper appreciation of it? Learning about art on audio and video can be a very rewarding experience.

Astronomy 101
If you've ever wonder about the cosmos, our place within it and how we are planning to explore it, than you'd be doing yourself a service to browse the topics presented here.

Business 101
Business is such a broad subject and one that's always evolving. In order to stay ahead of the competition you always have to be learning and what better place to do so than LearnOutLoud?

Creative Writing 101
Interested in taking a hand at writing but not sure where to start? These educational audio and video items will give you the leg up in exploring the craft and provide with the tools to get started.

Economics 101
Many people end up taking a basic class in micro or macro economics at some point in their lives. It's an important subject that affects all of our lives.

English Literature 101
English Literature has a rich and vast history. Sitting down to read all the classics of this literary tradition can seem overwhelming, but listening to the classics on audio book can greatly increase the amount of literature you take in and be more enjoyable.

French 101
Taking a trip to France or just want to learn one of the most beautiful languages man has created? French 101 features free podcasts as well as French audio courses to help you understand and speak French.

History 101
The resources showcased here offer a great overview of history that spans the entire globe, from era defining events to the people that shape.

Italian 101
Do you want to brush up on your italian before your big European vacation, or are you looking for advanced training in the language? This selection is tailored for both the beginner and seasoned pro alike.

Law 101
Law 101 features numerous free audio learning resources about various topics in law along with some lecture courses and audio books on legal matters.

Medical 101
Health is a hotbutton issue, and this selection reflects the current status of human wellness.

Music Appreciation 101
Music Appreciation 101 features many resources to help you increase your appreciation of classical music. Much better than books on the topic, learning on audio about classical music allows you to hear the music being commented on.

Mythology 101
Mythology is a fascinating topic and there are numerous ways to learn about classical mythology on audio. Hear audio renditions of the myths along with lectures about their significance and meaning.

Philosophy 101
If you're wanting to examine the fundamental questions of life and listen to the great philosophers who've attempted to answer these questions, then Philosophy 101 provides a great introduction.

Physics 101
If you are interested in what makes the universe tick, then you can do no better than to browse this selection of work presented by the best physics teachers from around the world.

Political Science 101
Want to learn about the ideas and history of Political Science? Learning on audio can be one of the best ways to introduce yourself to many of the various political philosophies.

Psychology 101
What goes on in your mind? Psychology seeks to understand the brain and there are many excellent lectures, podcasts, and audio books on a wide variety of psychological topics.

Sociology 101
There are many audio learning resources to aid you in your study of Sociology, including lecture courses on social behavior, free audio documentaries looking at a variety of sociological topics, and many audio books on aspects of sociology.

Spanish 101
Need to learn Spanish on your own? Learning to speak and understand Spanish is often best done through audio.

U.S. History 101
A great opportunity to learn about American Democracy, these titles will take you to the very beginning of United States Government, guide you through her biggest events, and aquaint you with notable americans along the way.

World Religions 101
With these titles you will be guided through the worlds varied and rich religious belief systems so that you might better learn where they differ and perhaps more importantly, where they agree.