
Modern Scholar

Recorded Books publishes and sells the Modern Scholar Series which are recorded lecture audio courses taught by university professors. There are over 100 audio courses in the categories of history, philosophy, literature, and a handful of other college subjects. All courses are available on CD and cassette through the Recorded Books website and most of the courses are available on audio download on LearnOutLoud.com. Each course has 14 lectures with each lecture lasting approximately 35 minutes, and each course comes with a book-length course guide.

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by Peter Kreeft
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In this lecture Professor Kreeft explores what religion is and what questions it tries to answer. He goes over a brief history of philosophical definitions of religion.

by Peter Kreeft
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An enthusiastic admirer of the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, professor and philosopher Peter Kreeft details the rational thought and precise literary talent that established Aquinas as the foremost thinker of his time—and as the most important philosopher for the almost two thousand years between Aristotle and Descartes.

by Lawrence H. Schiffman
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The Hebrew Bible, known to Jews as the Tanakh and to Christians as the Old Testament, is the basis for the West's tradition of monotheism, as well as our civilization's ethics and mores.

by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
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In this lecture professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr discusses the similarities and differences of early western Christendom and the Islamic World known as Dar al-Islam.

by Lawrence H. Schiffman
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In this course, Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman presents the real Dead Sea Scrolls. In so doing, this widely published authority on Judaic studies imparts a clear understanding of what the Scrolls are, and even more importantly, what they are not.

by Peter Kreeft
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Through the ages, mankind has pursued questions of faith in something beyond the world of ordinary experience. Is there a God? How can we explain the presence of evil? Do humans, or human souls, live on after death? Is there a hell?

by Stephen Prothero
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In this lecture Professor Stephen Prothero discusses what religion is and why it still matters in the modern age.

by Timothy B. Shutt
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In this lecture professor Timothy Shutt provides an overview of the life and literature of C.S. Lewis. He mentions various viewpoints that people have had about Lewis and says why he thinks Lewis is more popular now than he was in his time.

by F.E. Peters
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Located in the heart of Israel, Jerusalem is the center for the spiritual world’s three largest religions. Throughout its millennia-old history, Jerusalem has been known by many names: Salem, Zion, Hierosolymae, Al-Quds and others, and no city has ever been in more dispute.

by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
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Islam and Christianity share both remarkable similarities and remarkable differences. In the grand scheme, both are relatively recent religions, with Christianity taking hold in Northern Europe at about the same time that Islam took hold in the Persian world (although Christianity appeared on the scene six centuries before Islam).

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