Everyone seems to agree that we have an epidemic of what is diagnosed as autism. But, in the history of our society, there has never been "an epidemic" of any developmental or genetic disorder. Yet, over the span of 30 years, autism has gone from affecting one in 5,000 children to one in 90, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So what is this "autism", which has come to affect the lives of so many? In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Goldberg and his colleagues illustrate why autism must be a symptom of a treatable, neurological disease that attacks the brain's immune system.
Through Goldberg's personal anecdotes, case studies, and original research, you will come to understand that autism is:
- Not psychological or developmental'it is a medical disease.
- Caused by a dysfunction in the neuro'immune system. Similar to ADD/ADHD and chronic fatigue in that they all have different "labels" but are variations on the same thing: neuro-immune dysfunction.
In order to save children from the disease and social stigma of autism, Dr. Goldberg unpacks the myth behind the illness and provides a wealth of diagnostic and treatment information that will transform your own life and the lives of those around you.