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Great Speeches Of The 20th Century

Great Speeches Of The 20th Century

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
4 Hrs. 38 Min.
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  5.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


This collection represents some of the most well-known speeches of the 20th century, spanning the years 1908-1991. Each speech has been edited to include the most memorable and noteworthy segment. Every attempt has been made to include a variety of speakers in the political, historical, inspirational and topical categories. Great Speeches Of The 20th Century was designed to be used in research in schools, colleges, and universities, or simply as reference for those who have even a casual interest in historically important oration.

Volume 1: The Political Arena
1. The Farmer And The Republican Party - William Howard Taft
2. Address To The American Indians - President Woodrow Wilson
3. Address To The Boys' Progressive League - Former President Theodore Roosevelt
4. Inaugural Address - President Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. Inaugural Address - President Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. Election Eve Campaign Speech - Governer Thomas E. Dewey
7. Inaugural Address - President Harry S. Truman
8. 'Checkers' Speech - Senator Richard M. Nixon
9. Presidential Campaign Address - Governer Adlai Stevenson
10. Republican Convention Address - Dwight D. Eisenhower
11. Presidential Debate - Senator John F. Kennedy And Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
12. Presidential Campaign Address - Senator Barry Goldwater
13. Address To The Nation - President Lyndon B. Johnson
14. Presidential Campaign Address - Senator Robert F. Kennedy
15. Inaugural Address - President Richard M. Nixon
16. Resignation Address - Vice-President Spiro Agnew
17. Resignation Address - President Richard M. Nixon
18. Democratic Convention Acceptance Speech - Governor Jimmy Carter
19. Inaugural Address - President Ronald Reagan
20. Keynote Address For The Democratic Convention - Governor Mario Cuomo
21. Address To The 1984 Democratic Convention - Reverend Jesse Jackson

Volume 2: The Changing World
1. First Recorded Promotional Message On The Edison - Len Spencer
2. The German Peril - Former U.S. Ambassador To Germany James G. Watson
3. Address From France - General 'J.J.' Black Pershing
4. On Lindbergh's Return To The United States - President Calvin Coolidge And Charles Lindbergh
5. Abdication Address - King Edward The VIII
6. On His Return From The Munich Conference - Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
7. On The German Occupation Of Sudetenland In Czechoslovakia - Chancellor Adolf Hitler
8. Declaration Of War With Germany - Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
9. First Radio Address As Prime Minister - Prime Minister Winston Churchill
10. Declaration Of War Against Japan - President Franklin D. Roosevelt
11. The First Atomic Bomb Attack On Japan - President Harry S. Truman
12. Address To Congress - General Douglas MacArthur
13. On The Fall Of Dien Bien Phu - Secretary Of State John Foster Dulles
14. Announcement Of The Launching Of Sputnik - Radio Moscow
15. The Cuban Missile Crisis - President John F. Kennedy
16. Confrontation Over Russian Missiles In Cuba - U.S. Ambassador To The United Nations Adlai Stevenson
17. On Signing Of The Bill Of Rights - President Lyndon B. Johnson
18. Eulogy For Robert F. Kennedy - Senator Edward Kennedy
19. The End Of Vietnam War - President Richard M. Nixon
20. On Commencement Of The Bombing Of Iraq - President George Bush

Volume 3: The Dreams, The Inspirations, The Accomplishments
1. The Ideal Republic - William Jennings Bryan
2. On The Future Of Women In Flying - Amelia Earhart
3. Farewell To Baseball - Lou Gehrig
4. Address To The Nation On The R.A.F. - Prime Minister Winston Churchill
5. Greetings To The Children Of England - Princess Elizabeth And Princess Margaret
6. Farewell To Baseball - Babe Ruth
7. Address To Congress - Casey Stengel
8. Farewell Address - President Dwight D. Eisenhower
9. Inaugural Address - President John F. Kennedy
10. The First American In Earth Orbit - Lt. Col. John Glenn
11. Address To The Civil Rights Marchers In Washington, D.C. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
12. Christmas Greeting From Space - Astronaut Frank Borman
13. The Moon Landing - Astronaut Neil Armstrong
14. Address To Congress - Hank Aaron
15. Address To The Nation On The Berlin Wall - President Ronald Reagan

Volume 4: Best Of Times, Worst Of Times
1. Address On U.S. Neutrality - Charles Lindbergh
2. Address To The Chicago Irish Fellowship Club - Senator Joseph McCarthy
3. The Kitchen Debate - Vice-President Nixon And Premier Nikita Khrushchev
4. Farewell To Fans (The Payola Scandal) - Alan Freed
5. Concession Speech - Richard M. Nixon
6. On Black Power - Malcolm X
7. Address To The Yippie Convention - Jerry Rubin
8. Press Conference On Riots At The Democratic Convention - Mayor Richard Daley
9. Address On Vietnam War Protests - Vice President Spiro Agnew
10. Address To The Women Of America - Gloria Steinem
11. On Releasing The Watergate Tapes - President Richard M. Nixon
12. Testimony At The Iran-Contra Hearings - Lt. Col. Oliver North

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