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Great Speeches Of The 20th Century, Volume 4

Great Speeches Of The 20th Century, Volume 4

Best Of Times, Worst Of Times

Title Details

Unabridged Edition


Controversy always dogs an upheaval of the status quo, and the 20th century has brought many upheavals in American society, such as the slow (and ongoing) reversals of discrimination against women and minorities. A few controversies revolved around scandals of sheer corruption, such as the Watergate affair in the '70s and the Iran/Contra debacle in the '80s. Still others, such as the Lindbergh/America First rallies just prior to our involvement in World War II, and the McCarthy anti-communist scares of the 1950s, marked wrong-headed attempts to change America's direction.

Volume 4: Best Of Times, Worst Of Times
1. Address On U.S. Neutrality - Charles Lindbergh
2. Address To The Chicago Irish Fellowship Club - Senator Joseph McCarthy
3. The Kitchen Debate - Vice-President Nixon And Premier Nikita Khrushchev
4. Farewell To Fans (The Payola Scandal) - Alan Freed
5. Concession Speech - Richard M. Nixon
6. On Black Power - Malcolm X
7. Address To The Yippie Convention - Jerry Rubin
8. Press Conference On Riots At The Democratic Convention - Mayor Richard Daley
9. Address On Vietnam War Protests - Vice President Spiro Agnew
10. Address To The Women Of America - Gloria Steinem
11. On Releasing The Watergate Tapes - President Richard M. Nixon
12. Testimony At The Iran-Contra Hearings - Lt. Col. Oliver North

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