Based on more than 150 interviews with experts in treatment and prevention.
1. THE MAGIC POTION: Why we drink. Why we abstain. What are alcoholic beverages? How do they affect us physically and mentally? The $70 billion alcohol beverage industry. The social consequences of excessive drinking. The growing trend toward lower consumption of booze.
2. THE TERRIBLE TRAP: A medical and psychological analysis of problem drinking. When does it cross over into addiction? How and why alcoholics frequently deny their condition. How alcohol abuse damages the body and can be lethal. Detoxification. Virtually all problem drinkers can heal.
3. THE LADY DRINKS: The cruel double-standard applied to female alcoholics. A profile of the renowned Women's Alcoholism Center in San Francisco. Why physical response to alcohol differs in women and men. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- the dangers of drinking while pregnant.
4. THE ROAD TO RECOVERY: An intensely powerful human portrait of three alcoholics who wound up in trouble with alcohol -- and who found the strength to face their problem and seek help. These moving first-person accounts draw listeners into the personal drama of recovery.
5. ONE STEP AT A TIME: An exploration of Alcoholics Anonymous -- its history, philosophy and special magic. Getting honest, surrender, Higher Power. A fascinating historical recording of founder Bill "W." Interviews taped at the AA's amazing 50th anniversary convention.
6. A FAMILY DISEASE: Children of alcoholics young and old. The dilemma of spouses trying to conduct a family with a disabled partner. Al-Anon founder Lois "W." reads from her 1930s diary -- a saga of desperation and faith. Betty Ford on intervention. A Georgia family enters recovery.
7. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL: Adolescent drinking. The intoxicated party scene. Impact of music and TV ads glorifying booze. How alcohol stunts growth of the teenage body. What should parents say? How does their drinking set an example for kids? Young people who abstain.
8. BUSINESS AND BOOZE: How American corporations waste over $50 billion annually through alcohol's disruption. Role of drinking in corporate culture -- past and future. Rise of the Employee Assistance movement. Labor-management conflicts. Stories of workers who attained abstinence.
9. LATINO PERSPECTIVES: Latino treatment professionals depict the heavy-drinking scene common among American Hispanics. How Spanish-speaking AA meetings make a difference. A focus on family-centered counseling. Alarming rate of Mexican-American alcohol fatalities.
10. A SOCIAL HISTORY OF INEBRIATION: The story of American drinking from the Mayflower through post-Prohibition. Dramatic re-enactment of temperance movement. A visit with the WCTU. Archival tape from Prohibition; historians see pros and cons of that period.
11. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE: A plague that causes half of all highway fatalities and is the leading killer of kids. A look at innovative sentencing. What social policies -- medical practice, taxes on liquor, insurance coverage -- help to reduce drunken driving?
12. MEDIA IMAGES OF ALCOHOL: A montage of drinking and drunkenness in film, TV, music and literature. How common a prop is booze? What hidden messages are conveyed to the audience. The impact of broadcast alcohol ads on youngsters, alcoholics, society as a whole.