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This Author: Mark Twain
This Publisher: Rambler Audio LLC

A True Story by Mark Twain

A True Story

Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It

by Mark Twain

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
15 Mins.
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 4 ratings


"Aunt Rachel" is described as "a cheerful hearty soul, and it was no more trouble for her to laugh than it is for a bird to sing." When Mark Twain comments on her cheery mien, she tells him a short tale that demonstrates, as she says, sarcastically, "Oh, no, Misto C__, I ain't had no trouble. An' no joy!"

Important side note, from The Huffington Post:

"On January 4, 2010, President Obama issued a proclamation that January 2010 is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month...

"The 2010 proclamation, however, comes when no government on earth, including the U.S., has committed resources of any significance to ending modern day slavery, even though there are more slaves on earth than at any other time in history. Non-governmental organizations estimate that today there are at least 27 million slaves globally, even though slavery has been officially abolished everywhere on earth. The figure 27 million is more than twice the 11 million Africans who were kidnapped and trafficked to the New World during the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

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