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Your First Love

Your First Love

Continuing in the Faith

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Running Time
12 Min.


In the first episode of the book of Ephesians, Pastor John E. Hopkins describes the relevance of the bible and how it can be applied to our everyday lives. The God of the bible stays consistent and desires that we do the same and not be variable. Come into the knowledge of the truth and learn more about him so that you will not be ignorant of who he is and his purposes. We desire that God will take care of you and he will.

In this book, we find that Ephesians is one of the seven churches that God gave a message to from the apostle John. The church of Ephesus we learn how the church began and grew. Learning about the original intent and purpose of a matter. If you learn about the purpose of thing it will show you it's mission and goal. This is the same way with the bible. If you learn about the original and intent you will not have to be ignorant but can be educated on who and what you should and can become in life.

Through this study we learn that each section of the country has something in that city or state that dominates. Something that stands out in that community. This was the case with the Ephesian church. In this nation the worship of the goddess Diana was prevalent. And the this young church had to deal and contend with this idol worship. This idol worship developed a strong hold in the nation. With this strong hold, Devil was allowed to infiltrate this culture and pervert the ways of the true and living God. Which led to decadence, lustful pleasure, and extreme sexual desire.

The apostle Paul with the aid of the Holy Spirit confronted this spirit with the power of the living God. How he dealt with this was by teaching the new converts on how to live life God's way. He taught them the ABC's of the Christian faith. These ABC's gave the young converts a foundation for living which would support life in Christ.

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