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1: Take Charge Of Your Mind by John Selby

1: Take Charge Of Your Mind

At Work Mind Management for Creativity & Charisma

by John Selby

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
52 Mins.
User Rating
  4.6  Stars Based on 7 ratings


How you manage your own mind at work determines all else! When you drift off into thoughts about the past and the future, for instance, you're not really 'here'' at work - and when you're thinking negative, judgmental, or worried thoughts, you're seriously undermining your charisma and mental clarity. If you learn how to take charge of your mind each new moment at work, you optimize your success - and your enjoyment of your work.

The Selby "Take Charge" method teaches you how to quickly shift out of negative mental and emotional states at work, into more positive, powerful, creative states of mind.

Just memorize seven key 'focus phrases' and practice with them via this CD for a few weeks - and discover how you can rapidly shift into brighter moods and higher-level functioning at work.

The seven primary 10 minute classes in this program include:

1: "Feel Good At Work" ... how to shift into positive moods and mindstates so that you enjoy work and perform at high levels.

2: "Stop Worrying and Feel Confident" ... how to quiet chronic worries, and empower your work with confidence and clarity.

3: "Empathy Boost" ... a new in-action method for encouraging genuine positive feelings in your heart during business meetings and sales situations.

4: "Self-Esteem" ... rather than chronically knocking yourself down, do this short process at least once a day, to reinforce a positive attitude of self-acceptance and inner respect.

5: "Get Creative" ... after moving through the first four steps of this Take Charge process, you're ready to open up and activate your creative powers to solve problems and generate new insights at work.

6: "Feel Connected" ... go another step in this inner expansion process and tunre into your own core of wisdom and inspiration, so that you awaken your leadership powers and make wise decisions.

7: "Act With Integrity" ... to end this short but powerful at-work process, state your clear intent to head back into your workday with the following focus: "I am here to serve, to prosper, and to enjoy myself!"

This Take Charge learning process is enjoyable each step of the way, as you learn how to manage your own mind to your distinct advantage at work. Go to http://selbysolution.com for more info.

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