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Lyndon B. Johnson Speeches by Lyndon Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson Speeches

by Lyndon Johnson

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Audio Original


Below are complete audio recordings of some of Lyndon B. Johnson's most important speeches. When available, we have provided a transcript to accompany the audio files. The original recordings of all of Johnson's speeches are housed at the Johnson Presidential Library.

Some of the speeches offered here are:

  • Remarks at Gettysburg on Civil Rights May 30, 1963
  • Address to Joint Session of Congress November 27, 1963
  • State of the Union Address January 8, 1964
  • Remarks at the Ninety Sixth Charter Day Observances February 21, 1964
  • Remarks at the University of Michigan May 22, 1964
  • Remarks upon Signing the Civil Rights Bill July 2, 1964

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