

2008 Presidential Candidates Audio & Video

2008 Presidential Candidates Audio & Video

2008 Presidential Candidate Audio & Video

Learn more about the 2008 Democratic & Republican United States Presidential Candidates with LearnOutLoud.com's Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource. We've gathered the best audio & video resources of the candidates for each party, featuring podcasts, speeches, debates, interviews, and audio books.

Browse our Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource

With only two weeks until Super Tuesday, where over twenty U.S. states will hold their primaries and caucuses, both the races for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations are closer than they've been in decades.

Since the last presidential election, the Internet has become a whole new platform for candidates to freely campaign with the expansion of online video, podcasting, and other technologies. The free audio & video resources we feature go beyond the campaign sound bytes of traditional media, featuring in-depth talks with the candidates both during their campaign and before it.

Here are the candidates we feature audio & video resources for:

Republican Candidates:
Rudolph Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney

Democratic Candidates:
Hillary Rodham Clinton
John Edwards
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama

If you're a U.S. citizen, be sure to vote in your state's primary or caucus, if you haven't already done so!

Learn a New Language for Free @ eduFire.com

Wanna learn a new language for free from the comfort of your home? eduFire.com just launched and has hundreds of free videos, podcasts and articles that will help you learn the language of your choice. Rather than spending lots of time looking around the web for the best resources, they've done the work for you. Plus you can subscribe with email or RSS and receive notifications every time there are new resources posted for the language you're learning. Check it out today @ http://blog.edufire.com

Over 75 New Titles Added from B&N and Google

We recently added 25 audio & video titles to our site from Barnes & Noble Media and over 50 videos from @GoogleTalks.

Barnes & Noble is now offering numerous audio & video programs through their new Barnes & Noble Media section of their website:

Browse Barnes & Noble Media Titles

Their current programs are One on One (a weekly audio conversation with writers), Upstairs at the Square (a monthly video series featuring writers and musicians), Live from B&N (videos of readings, discussions and author Q&As), and Meet the Writers (audio and video interviews with popular writers).

Some of the titles we picked from these programs include:

Garrison Keillor: Live From B&N
Umberto Eco: Live From B&N
Elizabeth Gilbert & Jen Chapin: Upstairs at the Square
Conn Iggulden: One on One
Dave Barry: Live From B&N

Last year Google started their @GoogleTalks videos which are currently featured on their acquired site YouTube:

Browse @GoogleTalks Titles

Most of their @GoogleTalks are their series called Authors@Google, but they also have a few other series including Candidates@Google (featuring 2008 Presidential candidates) and Women@Google (featuring outstanding women such as the world's greatest female marathoner). Here are some of the @GoogleTalks we feature:

Authors@Google: Christopher Hitchens
Authors@Google: Daniel Goleman
Authors@Google: George Soros
Authors@Google: Lama Surya Das
Authors@Google: Steve Wozniak
Candidates@Google: Ron Paul
Women@Google: Grete Waitz

Enjoy these videos which can be streamed directly through LearnOutLoud.com thanks to YouTube's embeddable video player.

Intro to Poetry Podcast

We launched a new podcast this month called the Intro to Poetry Podcast. This podcast will showcase great poems throughout history from William Shakespeare and Lord Byron to T.S. Eliot and Robert Frost.

Many of the podcasts feature supplemental analysis to aid listeners in appreciation of the poem. In the future we'll be featuring 20th century poems read by the poet. To start of the podcast we're featuring Shakespeare's famous Sonnet 18.

Please listen to and subscribe to our latest podcast:

Intro to Poetry Podcast on LearnOutLoud.com

Subscribe to the Intro to Poetry Podcast on iTunes

And LearnOutLoud.com now offers 15 educational podcasts which you can listen to:

All 15 LearnOutLoud.com Podcasts

LearnOutLoud.com Podcasts on iTunes

Many more podcasts to come!

--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 060 - January 23rd, 2008