

400 More Free Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, Lectures, Courses

400 More Free Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, Lectures, Courses

Over 400 More Free Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, Lectures, Courses

At LearnOutLoud.com we decided it was about time to add some fresh free stuff. In the past few weeks, we've put up over 400 new free audio and video resources. Here's some of the highlights of what we've added to our free directory:

ejunto.com - Free historical and philosophical audio books to download on MP3.

Ashbrook Center - Public affairs lectures from leading conservative thinkers and politicians.

Naropa University - Free historic audio from this Buddhist-inspired university, focusing on lectures and poetry readings by Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs at their Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics.

Grace Cathedral - Cutting edge religious and spiritual talks from San Francisco's historic Grace Cathedral church.

University Channel - Compelling visiting authors and lecturers at Princeton University and other contributing universities.

Veritas Forum - Thoughtful lectures from major Christian voices at universities throughout the United States.

We've also added a ton of new educational podcasts. For instance it's a new semester at UC-Berkeley and they're now podcasting dozens of new free courses including:

Man, God, and Society in Western Literature Podcast

Global Warming Podcast

Physics for Scientists and Engineers Podcast

Social and Behavioral Sciences Podcast

Economic Geography of the Industrial World

All UC-Berkeley Podcasts To Date

Some other notable podcasts we've added:

NPR: Fresh Air Podcast

Learn To Meditate Podcast

Volunteer Voices Podcast

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Spiritual Classics Podcast

This week we launched a new podcast at LearnOutLoud.com entitled Spiritual Classics. In the coming weeks we plan to feature passages of classics from a variety of spiritual traditions including excerpts from St. Augustine's Confessions, Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, The Koran, The Talmud, and much more.

We've started the podcast off with an excerpt from William James' classic work The Varieties of Religious Experience in which he lectures on mystical experience. We promise many more fascinating selections from religious classics so please subscribe. Click Here to Subscribe to this Podcast on iTunes.

Spiritual Classics Podcast

--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 032 - February 6th, 2007