

Pimsleur Courses on Downloadable Audio

Pimsleur Courses on Downloadable Audio

Download Pimsleur Language Courses

LearnOutLoud.com is very excited to announce that for the first time ever you can download Pimlseur's comprehensive language learning courses on MP3 audio download. We are now offering over 30 of their comprehensive Pimsleur courses in their ten most popular languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic (Eastern), Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, and Farsi. Each language has three phases designed to take you from beginner to fluent speaker.

The Pimsleur Method, developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur, is much more than a simple listen & repeat language learning process. Dr. Pimsleur developed a method of language learning which continually reintegrates all that you've learned so you must draw from your memory at regular intervals to actively retain the language. In each lesson you actually converse out loud with speakers of the language as they aid you in what to say and teach you new vocabulary.

The comprehensive courses feature thirty 30-minute lessons along with a reading booklet and one hour of audio reading lessons for a total of 16 hours of language learning on audio. In just 30 minutes a day you'll go from being a beginner to a proficient speaker of the language in about a month. And as you progress up each up each level you will become a fluent speaker mastering pronunciation, accent, and even cultural knowledge.

The pricing for the comprehensive courses starts at $119.95, a full 65% off the CD list price of $345.00. And if you buy a course before the end of April we are offering an introductory coupon that will give you an additional 25% off for a total of $89.95 for these comprehensive language learning courses. To take advantage of this limited time 25% off coupon, on the payment page click "Apply a LearnOutLoud.com Gift Certificate or Coupon", and then enter in this coupon code: pimsleur

Please note: This coupon will only work for Pimsleur audio downloads.

Browse all of the Pimsleur courses we currently have to offer. Each course includes a sample from the first unit of the course:

Browse 30 Pimsleur Language Learning Courses

And here are all the courses divided up by languages:

Eastern Arabic Comprehensive Courses:
Arabic - Eastern I
Arabic - Eastern II
Arabic - Eastern III

Mandarin Chinese Comprehensive Courses:
Chinese - Mandarin I
Chinese - Mandarin II
Chinese - Mandarin III

Farsi Comprehensive Course:
Farsi - Persian

French Comprehensive Courses:
French I
French II
French III
French Plus

German Comprehensive Courses:
German I
German II
German III
German Plus

Modern Hebrew Comprehensive Courses:
Hebrew - Modern I
Hebrew - Modern II
Hebrew - Modern III

Italian Comprehensive Courses:
Italian I
Italian II
Italian III
Italian Plus

Japanese Comprehensive Courses:
Japanese I
Japanese II
Japanese III

Russian Comprehensive Courses:
Russian I
Russian II
Russian III

Spanish Comprehensive Courses:
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III
Spanish Plus

Start learning a new language today!

Life Lessons and Inspiring Stories

At LearnOutLoud we've rapidly been adding new MP3 audio book downloads from the world's largest audio book publisher: Random House Audio. We now feature over 400 of their most popular audio books. You can check them all out here:

Browse Random House Audio Downloads

In this section we're highlighting some new titles that include life advice as well as inspirational stories:

The 12 Second Sequence by fitness superstar Jorge Cruise

7 Money Mantras for a Richer Life by financial planner Michelle Singletary

The Broken Hearth by William J. Bennett

Coach: Lessons on the Game of Life by Michael Lewis

Couplehood by Paul Reiser

Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Brett Harris

A Goomba's Guide to Life by Steven R. Schirripa

Hallelujah! The Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories with Recipes

The Likeability Factor by Tim Sanders

Live Strong by The Lance Armstrong Foundation

MaryJane's Ideabook, Cookbook, Lifebook by MaryJane Butters

Meditations for Mothers by Denise Roy

A Million Thanks: My Campaign to Send One Million Letters to Our Troops by Shauna Fleming

Perfect Balance: Dr. Greene's Breakthrough Program for Finding the Lifelong Hormonal Health You Deserve by Robert A. Greene, M.D.

Slim and Sexy Forever by Suzanne Somers

Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church by Philip Yancey

True Notebooks by Mark Salzman

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

We've got 100s more coming in the next few week from deep in the archives of Random House Audio!

Stephen R. Covey Audio

Stephen R. Covey Audio

Stephen R. Covey is world renowned as the author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", a book that has become not only an international best seller but was recently voted by Forbes as one of the top 10 most influential management books ever. Earning his MBA from Harvard, and a doctorate from Brigham University, Covey began his career as an assistant to a business president and a professor of business management and organizational behavior. He currently is on the board of directors for the Points Of Light Foundation, which is based in Washington D.C. and engages in mobilizing millions of volunteers from all walks of life to help solve the social problems in various communities. Covey is also the founder of the Covey Leaderships Center, which helps organizations in the implementation of "principle-centered" leadership. He is the father of 9 and the grandfather of 43 and has been with his wife for almost 50 years.

We Recommend
To get started with Steven Covey's audio programs, we suggest "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", which Covey narrates himself and which has been a top seller for over a decade. This audio book ignores the trends of pop psychology and instead adheres to proven principles such as fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity. Even today, the 7 habits discussed in this book are very relevant in the business world and in life.

Next you might want to try another Covey classic "First Things First". This is a guide to managing your time by first learning how to balance your life. Traditional time management suggests that working harder, smarter, and faster will help you gain control over your life, and that increased control will bring peace and fulfillment. Covey gives instructions on how to make this possible in your own life and how balance is essential in attaining personal peace and wellness.

Finally for the family, there's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families". Here Covey shows you how to apply the 7 Habits to the unique circumstances of your family. You'll learn to establish a proven and successful principle-centered framework to build strong family relationships and develop a common language so family members better understand each other. Whether you are in business and want to better understand how to manage your time and work habits, or are wishing to balance your family life, Stephen R. Covey has advice that can help you on your way. LearnOutLoud.com has everything available from Covey on audio and is glad to help you find the tools you need!

Stephen R. Covey Audio

And check out all the audio from Franklin Covey, the global leader in effectiveness training, productivity tools, and assessment services for organizations, teams, and individuals.

Browse All Franklin Covey Audio Programs
