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This Author: Chris Widener
This Narrator: Chris Widener
This Publisher: Made for Success

7 Years with Jim Rohn by Chris Widener

7 Years with Jim Rohn

Mentored by a Master

by Chris Widener


Title Details

Running Time
25 Min.


For the first time in history, Chris shares his insights on what made Jim Rohn tick during his years as speaker, author, and leader. For seven years, best-selling author and speaker Chris Widener was personally mentored by Jim Rohn. In this time, Chris travelled with Jim Rohn and absorbed his business acumen first-hand. Chris gives listeners a rare glimpse into the greatness of this man, who was considered America’s number one business philosopher. Through Chris’ eyes, you’ll learn first-hand what it would be like to sit and have a conversation over a meal with Jim Rohn, ride a plane side-by-side and work on his books. Chris illuminates nuggets of wisdom he learned while being mentored by Jim Rohn, which can have a substantial impact on your business. Discover Jim Rohn like you never have before through the eyes of this master storyteller, Chris Widener.

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