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This Author: Martin Gilbert
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In Depth with Martin Gilbert by Martin Gilbert

In Depth with Martin Gilbert

by Martin Gilbert

Title Details

Running Time
3 Hrs. 02 Min.


British historian Martin Gilbert is the official biographer of Winston Churchill. Sir Martin was knighted in 1995 for service to British history and international relations. He is the author or editor of over 70 books on topics including World War I, World War II, the history of the 20th century, the Holocaust, and Jewish history. He discussed his writings, his life, and the craft of the historian. He responded to audience telephone calls and electronic mail. His books include: The European Powers 1900-1945 (1965), Recent History Atlas, 1860-1960 (1966), The Roots of Appeasement (1966), Servant of India (1966), Winston Churchill, (1966), First World War Atlas (1971), Russian History Atlas, (1972), The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Its History in Maps (1974), Exile and Return: The Emergence of Jewish Statehood (1978), The Holocaust: Maps and Photographs (1978), Auschwitz and the Allies (1981), Churchill's Political Philosophy (1981), Atlas of the Holocaust (1982), The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy (1986), Second World War (1998), Churchill: A Life (1991), In Search of Churchill: A Historian's Journey (1994), First World War(1994), The Boys: Triumph Over Adversity, (1996), A History of the Twentieth Century: Concise Edition, (2001), and The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust, will be published on February 4, 2003.

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