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This Author: John Biewen
This Publisher: American Public Media

The Hospice Experiment by John Biewen

The Hospice Experiment

by John Biewen

Title Details

Running Time
52 Min.


Death is un-American, an "affront to the American Dream," wrote historian Arnold Toynbee in 1969. It was a time of social movements, and big change: peace and civil rights, environmentalism and women's liberation.

But a quieter revolution was underway too, one led by a few middle-aged women who wanted to change our way of death. They were the founders of the hospice movement. Their movement did not involve marches, but it too had a profound legacy. Today three in 10 Americans will die in hospice care. John Biewen explores the birth of the hospice movement and traces its influence through one woman's final months of life.

Producer: John Biewen
Editor: Deborah George
Host: Deboarh Amos
Coordinating Producer: Sasha Aslanian
Project Coordinator: Misha Quill
Web Producer: Ochen Kaylan
Production Assistance: Will Atwater, Ellen Guettler, Tennessee Watson, Patrick McGrath, and Sarah Fazio
Mixing: Craig Thorson
Executive Editor: Stephen Smith
Executive Producer: Bill Buzenberg

Major funding for American RadioWorks is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

American RadioWorks is the documentary project of American Public Media.

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