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This Publisher: Annenberg Learner

Connect With English

Connect With English

Title Details

Running Time
12 Hrs. 30 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Through the story of Rebecca, an aspiring singer on a journey across America, Connect With English touches on life's important issues: leaving home, parenting, education, work, love, success, and loss. All of the characters use meaningful, natural language that students can put to work immediately in their own lives. Each episode features dialogue that is slightly slowed down and subtly simplified. Key lines are repeated, idioms paraphrased, and important events retold. There are constant visual clues to meaning, such as written signs, notes, and documents. Facial expressions, gestures, and body language also reveal meaning for students. Closed captioning can be used as a teaching and literacy resource. For levels from high beginning through low and high intermediate.

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