
Free Technology Audiobooks

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by Chris Anderson
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Editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine Chris Anderson follows up his bestselling book The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, with his new book Free: The Future of a Radical Price. And in practicing what he preaches, Anderson and his publisher Hyperion are giving away his new audio book for free!


by Jenn McAllister
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Through her pranks, sketches, and videos about everyday life, Jenn has become a mouthpiece for millennials and one of YouTube's fastest rising stars!


by Liv Montgomery
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Worldwide, there are over 6,000,000 online searches every month for eCommerce with over 33,000,000 search results....


by Lawrence Lessig
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Lawrence Lessig could be called a cultural environmentalist. One of America’s most original and influential public intellectuals, his focus is the social dimension of creativity...


by William Davidow
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The coauthors of the seminal book The Virtual Corporation describe how the rise of artificial intelligence and virtual environments are ushering in an epic cultural transformation - and how we can thrive in this new era.


by Doreen Dodgen-Magee
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With current statistics suggesting that the average American over the age of 14 engages with screens upwards of 10 hours a day, the topic of our growing dependence upon technology applies to nearly everyone.


by Liv Montgomery
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Online business ownership has become incredibly popular - and even mainstream. If you want to join the ranks of successful eCommerce entrepreneurs, let Liv Montgomery, the eCommerce Gal be your guide on a fun and fabulous journey.


by Vivek Wadhwa
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Technology is advancing faster than ever - but for better or for worse? On the one hand, astonishing technological developments from personalized genomics to self-driving cars to drones to artificial intelligence could make our lives healthier, safer, and easier.


by Orville Wright
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The Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air flight, on 17th December 1903. They were not the first to build and fly aircraft, but they invented the controls that were necessary for a pilot to steer the aircraft, which made fixed wing powered flight possible.


by Edward D. Hess
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In nearly every industry, smart machines are replacing human labor. It's not just factory jobs - automated technologies are handling people's investments, diagnosing illnesses, and analyzing written documents.

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