
Free Science Courses

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by Richard P. Feynman
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For more than 30 years, Richard P. Feynman's three-volume Lectures on Physics has been known worldwide as the classic resource for students and professionals alike....

by Nancy Kanwisher
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This course surveys the core perceptual and cognitive abilities of the human mind and asks how they are implemented in the brain.

by Raymond Flood
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The 19th Century saw the development of a mathematics profession with people earning their living from teaching, examining and researching and with the mathematical centre of gravity moving from France to Germany.

by Robert Sapolsky
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Online Video

Certainly one of the best courses we've added into our new Free Courses Collection is Stanford University Professor Robert Sapolsky's course on "Human Behavioral Biology".

by Alex Filippenko
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Online Audio

A description of modern astronomy with emphasis on the structure and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the Universe.

by Ben Polak
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This course is an introduction to game theory and strategic thinking.

by Patrick Hunt
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Hannibal is a name that evoked fear among the ancient Romans for decades.

by Raymond Flood
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A series of lectures to look at the personality and some of the work of a number of famous mathematicians and then discuss more recent developments and applications.

by Willie Brown
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Audio Download

Encompasses the increasingly important areas of viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases and understanding the complex interaction between humans and infectious agents.

by John Biddle
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Online Video

In this course, students learn how to analyze fluids at rest (fluid statics) and fluids in motion (fluid dynamics). Fluid mechanics topics are distributed between ME 3111 (Fluid Mechanics) and ME 3121 (Intermediate Thermal-Fluids Engineering).

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