
Christian Meditation MP3 for Free


Free Resource (#369) - August 10th, 2007
Today's Resource of the Day

Meditatio Talks (Meditation Talks): To the Monks of Gethsemani Abbey

Offered by Medio Media and The World Community for Christian Meditation, these are talks delivered by Fr. Laurence Freeman O.S.B. to the Monks of Gethsemani Abbey. In the eight talks featured in this title Fr. Freeman discusses Christian meditation and how to remain in a prayerful state at all times. This free title was published through our TeachOutLoud service and it is available on MP3 download directly through LearnOutLoud.com

Meditatio Talks (Meditation Talks)

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The Essential Teachings

This, the first set of John Main's recorded teaching on meditation, has become a classic introduction to the tradition and its practice. His presentation is simple yet comphrehensive. These talks are also in his book, "Word Into Silence".

Listen to a free sample of: The Essential Teachings

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