
Edward Kennedy Eulogy for Robert Kennedy


Free Resource (#451) - Dec. 6th, 2007
Today's Resource of the Day

Tribute to Senator Robert F. Kennedy

In this moving eulogy to Robert F. Kennedy, Edward Kennedy says of his assassinated brother: "My brother need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life, to be remembered simply as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it." This speech is available from American Rhetoric on MP3 download.

Tribute to Senator Robert F. Kennedy

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The Incredible Century, Vol. II: 1953-1969

Collects Speeches and recorded News accounts from the years 1953 to 1969. This volume includes the following:

  • 1. Atomic Bomb Testing Continues – 3/17/53
  • 2. Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth II Of Great Britain – 6/2/53
  • 3. Julius And Ethel Rosenberg Are Denied Clemency – 6/19/53
  • 4. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Officially Announces End To Korean Conflict – 7/27/53
  • 5. Author Ray Bradbury Provides More Positive Outlook On Future Than His Book 'Farenheit 451' Suggests – 1954 (recorded 1958)
  • 6. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Assures There Will Be Further Development Of Polio Vaccine – 2/23/54
  • 7. Congressmen Provide Conflicting Viewpoints On School Desegregation – 5/17/54
  • 8. Senator Joseph McCarthy Presides At House Un-American Activities Commottee Hearings – 6/9/54
  • 9. New York Giants Manager Leo Durocher States Strong Leadership Is A Baseball Team's Top Asset - 1954
  • 10. Author Ernest Hemingway Delivers Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech – 12/10/54
  • 11. Cleveland Disc Jockey Alan Freed At The Top Of His Form Hosting 'The Moondog Show' - 1954
  • 12. Ensure Your Safety With The Purchase Of This Nuclear Survival Course Course Record Album. - 1954
  • 13. James Dean Discusses His Craft On The Set Of 'Rebel Without A Cause' -1954
  • 14. Music Experts Squabble Over Meaning Of Rock 'n' Roll – 7/56
  • 15. Yankees Pitcher Don Larsen Delivers His First 'Perfect Game' In World Series History – 10/8/56
  • 16. Hungarian Revolt Crushed By Soviets – 10/23/56
  • 17. What Do We Know About Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro? – 5/3/57
  • 18. Althea Gibson Became The First Black Athlete To Win Wimbeldon Tennis Championship. – 7/6/57
  • 19. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Denounces Arkansas Efforts To Enforce School Segregation. – 9/24/57
  • 20. Black Politician Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Speaks Out On Notion Of Freedom. - 1957
  • 21. United States Successfully Launches First Orbiting Satellite – 1/31/58
  • 22. Author Lorraine Hansberry Discusses Her Play 'a Raisin In The Sun' – 3/11/59
  • 23. Nasa Introduces First Seven 'Astronauts' For Project Mercury – 4/9/59
  • 24. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro Visits U.S. For First Time – 4/17/59
  • 25. Author Allen Ginsberg And Anthropologist Margaret Mead Discuss Origins Of The Term 'Beat Generation - 1959
  • 26. Presidential Candidates John F. Kennedy And Richard M. Nixon Square Off In Televised Debate – 10/13/60
  • 27. President-Elect John F. Kennedy Wins Narrow-Margin Victory – 11/8/60
  • 28. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Delivers 'Military Industrial Complex' Farewell Speech – 1/18/61
  • 29. President John F. Kennedy Addresses Nation With Inaugural Speech – 1/20/61
  • 30. Bay Of Pigs Invasion Denounced At United Nations Address – 4/17/61
  • 31. Federal Communications Comission Chairman Newton Minow Decries Television As A 'Vast Wasteland' – 5/61
  • 32. The Birth Of The Berlin Wall – 8/13/61
  • 33. Launch Of 'Telstar' Satellite Ushers In Age Of High-Speed Communication Technology – 7/10/62
  • 34. Author John Steinbeck Discusses Winning Nobel Prize For Literature – 12/10/62
  • 35. Debut Of World's First Talking/Singing Computer - 1962
  • 36. President John F. Kennedy Visits The Berlin Wall And Rallies Anti-Communist Support – 6/26/63
  • 37. President John F. Kennedy Is Assassinated – 11/22/63
  • 38. JFK Assassination Suspect Lee Harvey Oswald Is Shot – 11/24/63
  • 39. North Vietnamese Vessels Attack U.S. Navy In Gulf Of Tonkin – 8/4/64
  • 40. Activist Mario Savio Speaks Out On UC Berkeley 'Educational Tyranny'- 9/64
  • 41. Reports Confirm Khruschev ouster from Kremlin – 10/16/64
  • 42. Activist Whitney Young Talks In Selma, Alabama On The Importance Of The Black Vote - 3/25/65
  • 43. Racial Violence Breaks Out In Watts District Of Los Angeles – 8/11/65
  • 44. Vietnamese Radio 'Hanoi Hannah' Broadcasts To U.S. Troops - 1966
  • 45. Dr. Christiaan Barnard Performs First Human Heart Transplant – 12/3/67
  • 46. Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir Articulates Israel's Need For Peace – 6/67
  • 47. Senator Robert Kennedy Announces Presidential Candidacy – 3/16/68
  • 48. President Lyndon B. Johnson Declines Nomination For Reelection – 3/31/68
  • 49. Martin Luther King, Jr. Stirs Memphis Audience With 'Mountain Top' Speech – 4/3/68
  • 50. Senator Robert Kennedy Is Assassinated – 6/5/68
  • 51. Soviets Invade Czechoslovakia – 8/20/68
  • 52. Riots Break Out At 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention – 8/28/68
  • 53. Apollo 8 Astronauts Conduct Christmas Eve Broadcast – 12/24/68
  • 54. Mickey Mantle Gives Farewell Speech To Yankees Fans – 3/1/69
  • 55. Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong Broadcasts Man's First Steps On The Moon – 67/20/69
  • 56. Beatle Paul McCartney Refutes Rumors Of His Death - 10/21/69
  • 57. Thousands Of Protesters Show Support On Vietnam Moratorium Day – 11/15/69
  • 58. Vice President Spiro Agnew Lashes Out Against 'The Media Elite' – 12/69

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