Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of the UK for two terms, and earned his place in history by leading the country through the difficult period of World War II. However, his mark upon history also extends to winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, as well as making many memorable speeches that are still relevant today.
Churchill will be remembered for leading the UK during a challenging time in the early days of World War II, when active opposition to Hitler had not yet spread to the governments of other countries. Churchill helped to keep the nation inspired and determined to win the war, with his radio broadcasts and public speeches; some of the most well-known orations in history are included in these classic audio book collections: Sir Winston Churchill: "The War Years" and Sir Winston Churchill: His Finest Hour.
His sense of humor and razor-sharp wit have also contributed to his legend, and many people remember his acerbic comments, quips, and insults and repeat them to this day. He led a very interesting life, and had many interesting experiences that he wrote about, publishing close to twenty different books during his lifetime. Winston Churchill was also a historian and published a highly-regarded six part series about WWII, as well as a historical retelling of the beginning of the United States of America.
Winston Churchill