Today's Resource of the Day
Jamestown and Virginia (1607)
Download this free lecture delivered by Sherwin T. Wine on the founding of Jamestown in 1607. Find out the reasons for Europeans founding America, and how the English settlers eventually succeeded in founding Jamestown. Sherwin T. Wine keeps the lecture entertaining, covering a lot of history in an hour and a half. This lecture has been made available by the Center For New Thinking on MP3 download through LearnOutLoud.com.
Jamestown and Virginia (1607)
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Center For New Thinking Downloads
Over 100 downloads now available. Over the past 29 years, a large number of people in the metropolitan Detroit area have been meeting regularly to confront the basic issues in our society. They are attending the Center for New Thinking, the nation's only ongoing public forum for the presentation of innovative ideas in the arts, sciences, philosophy and history. The Center is reminiscent of the bygone era of salons when ideas were passionately communicated and shared.
Center For New Thinking Downloads
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