Free Resource (#612) - July 28th, 2008 |
Today's Free Resource
John F. Kennedy Speeches
The Miller Center of Public Affairs features downloadable audio of the speeches by numerous Presidents in the 20th century. They offer over a dozen John F. Kennedy speeches, including his famous Inaugural Address, his inspiring address at Rice University on the space effort, his Civil Rights Address, and his "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech which he delivered next to the Berlin Wall criticizing communism. All these speeches can be downloaded on MP3 or watched on streaming video. (You'll need to scroll down and click "John Kennedy" to see his speeches in the Speech Archive. You can also download dozens of presidential speeches from Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, and Franklin Roosevelt.)
John F. Kennedy Speeches
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JFK: The Kennedy Tapes Vol. II
Volume II of this historical compilation includes live recordings of "The New Frontier," the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Berlin Wall, civil rights, Ich Bin Berliner, remarks made at a Fort Worth rally the morning of the assassination and much more!
1. Announcing Candidacy - January 1960
2. Nomination Acceptance Speech - July 1960
3. Birthday Greetings to Truman - May 1961
4. Expanded Space Program - July 1961
5. Berlin Crisis - July 1961
6. To People of West Berlin - December 1961
7. Tribute to FDR - March 1962
8. Arms Buildup in Cuba - October 1962
9. Dismantling Missiles in Cuba - November 1962
10. The Economic Club of New York - December 1962
11. State of the Union - January 1963
12. Civil Rights - June 1963
13. Ich Bin Ein Berliner - June 1963
14. A Rally at The Hotel Texas - November 1963
Available on MP3 Download.
JFK: The Kennedy Tapes Vol. II
John F. Kennedy Audio |
John F. Kennedy Audio
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was a complex man with an interesting public and private life. His legacy has many aspects to it: father, husband, and President. He led a private life shrouded with mystery and a few scandals, which would come to the public's attention many years after his assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963.
Growing up in Brooklyn, New York, he lived a privileged life with money and power. His family life was very large and he grew up with eight brothers and sisters. His extended family was also a big influence on him.
John graduated from Harvard and later went into the Navy. He suffered a back injury and later returned to his private life. His father had political hopes for him. In 1952 he was elected to the Senate. He met and married Jacqueline Bouvier the following year. This was the beginning of his political road to the White House.
One LearnOutLoud.com we feature a number of his speeches including a number of speech collections on audio download such as: JFK: The Kennedy Tapes and John F. Kennedy: The JFK Wit.
John F. Kennedy Audio
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