Today's Resource of the Day
American RadioWorks presents Korea: The Unfinished War
In this audio documentary from American Radio Works, listeners can hear a chronological history of the Korean War. Soldiers, historians and military leaders explain how this “forgotten war” was an essential event that defined global politics for the next 40 years. With Korea still very present in current headlines, this documentary is an essential way for anyone to learn more about why this area of the world is so important. It is available on streaming audio from American Public Media.
American RadioWorks presents Korea: The Unfinished War
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The Kissinger Transcripts: The Top Secret Talks with Beijing and Moscow
Expand your understanding of one of the most controversial Secretaries of State in U.S. history - Henry Kissinger. These transcripts of Kissinger's conversations, including top-secret talks with Beijing and Moscow, provide an unvarnished record of his brand of high-stakes diplomacy during the Nixon years. From the great triumphs - the opening of China and the success of the Nixon-Brezhnev Moscow summit - to the most dramatic defeats - Watergate and the decline of détente - this is an unparalleled view of some events that shaped the world and rocked the way diplomacy is conducted in the United States.
Available on MP3 Download.
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