Ravi Zacharias Audio
Ravi Zacharias is an evangelical Christian apologist and the best-selling author of many Christian books. Born in India, Zacharias was an atheist until, at the age of 17, a local Christian encouraged his mother to read him New Testament scripture after a failed suicide attempt. The experience brought Zacharias to Christ and he eventually pursued a theological education which would launch his evangelical career.
After receiving his master's degree in divinity from Trinity International University, Zacharias was ordained by the Christian Missionary Alliance. He formed Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in 1984 after evangelizing in Vietnam, Cambodia, Amsterdam, and India. His ministry now spans the globe with offices in England, Singapore, Canada, and the United States. Zacharias continues to speak at numerous events and in many venues, spreading his views of Christian apologetics. He has also been a visiting scholar at prestigious universities and is in direct contact with key political leaders. He published his first book in 1990, and has since authored or edited more than 20 tomes in the Christian genre. He continues to act as the chairman of his ministry and hosts a weekly radio program, Let My People Think, which can be listened to on his Let My People Think Podcast.
For in interesting look at why God created a world of pleasures if humans are meant to avoid temptations, try the Sense and Sensuality audiobook. The Lotus and the Cross, also available in audio MP3 format, explores the commonalities between Buddha and Jesus' teachings. Another book that compares and contrasts religious figures, New Birth or Rebirth, offers listeners insight into the similarities between the teachings of Jesus and Krishna.
Ravi Zacharias Audio