
Sam Harris on Faith & Reason


Free Resource (#586) - June 19th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

The Clash Between Faith and Reason

In this talk offered by the Aspen Institute from their 2007 Aspen Ideas Festival, Sam Harris, author of Letter to a Christian Nation and The End of Faith, discusses his concerns about dogmatic religious faith and its relation to modern politics and culture. With sardonic humor he attacks the scriptures and moral doctrines of the Abrahamic religious traditions, and he points to science and reason as far better ways of obtaining a sound cosmological and moral outlook in the world. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download through FORA.tv.

The Clash Between Faith and Reason

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Letter to a Christian Nation

"Forty-four percent of the American population is convinced that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead sometime in the next fifty years," writes Sam Harris. "Imagine the consequences if any significant component of the U.S. government actually believed that the world was about to end and that its ending would be glorious. The fact that nearly half of the American population apparently believes this, purely on the basis of religious dogma, should be considered a moral and intellectual emergency."

In response to his award-winning bestseller "The End of Faith," Sam Harris received thousands of letters from Christians excoriating him for not believing in God. "Letter to A Christian Nation" is his courageous and controversial reply. Using rational argument, Harris offers a measured refutation of the beliefs that form the core of fundamentalist Christianity. Addressing current topics ranging from intelligent design and stem-cell research to the connections between religion and violence, "Letter to a Christian Nation" boldly challenges the influence that faith has on public life in our nation.

Listen to a free sample of: Letter to a Christian Nation

Christopher Hitchens Audio & Video
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Christopher Hitchens Audio & Video

Christopher Hitchens is a columnist at The Atlantic and a staple of the talk show circuit. Born in 1949 in the United Kingdom, he obtained his United States citizenship in 2007. An experienced journalist, he spent the first part of his career in Cyprus, where he met his first wife, Eleni Meleagrou. Hitchins later left her for a California journalist, Carol Blue. He has two children by his first wife and one by his second, with his son Alexander working as a researcher for various think tanks.

Hitchens' political career was marked by a shift from anti-Stalinist Communism to a form of conservative Marxism, although he has never ceased to self-identify as a Marxist. A prominent atheist, he speaks out regularly against religion, especially Abrahamic religion. Hitchens is a prolific writer and columnist and often outspoken in opposition to public figures.

Hitchens makes his strongest case against religion in his best seller God Is Not Great which we offer on audio book download. He has written a number of other books, including a book covering one of Thomas Paine's works Thomas Paine's Rights of Man. He published a book of his memoirs entitled Hitch-22, and he reads this unabridged autobiography. You can also check out numerous free videos featuring Hitchens at many of his various public speaking appearances.

Christopher Hitchens Audio & Video

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