Free Resource (#520) - March 19th, 2008 |
Today's Resource of the Day
SermonIndex Classics Podcast
Listen to these podcasts from SermonIndex. These podcasts cover many aspects of Christianity and Christian Living, including sermons from Jim Cymbala, David Wilkerson, Zac Poonen, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Duncan Campbell, Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, and many other popular preachers from throughout the 20th century. For more free classic sermons check out the offerings we feature from SermonAudio.com.
SermonIndex Classics Podcast
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What Jesus Demands Of The World
Piper has gathered many of Jesus' demands from the four Gospels and puts the demands in a redemptive, historical context, then concisely examines each. The result is an accessible introduction for thoughtful inquirers and new believers, as well as meditative meat for veteran believers who want to know Jesus better.
Available on MP3 Download.
Listen to a free sample of: What Jesus Demands Of The World
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