
The Road Not Taken Poem MP3


Free Resource (#563) - May 19th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

The Road Not Taken

This brief, yet profound poem by Robert Frost cuts right to the heart of key choices in our lives and how they lead us down long and unique paths, leaving many other ways behind us. Frost concludes that choosing the road less traveled will make all the difference. This classic poem is read by Brian Johnson, CEO of PhilosophersNotes.com, and it available to download on MP3 directly through LearnOutLoud.com.

The Road Not Taken

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"The easiest way to describe PhilosophersNotes: they’re kinda like mini-CliffsNotes for self-development books or “Concentrated wisdom for your hero’s journey.”

"The idea is simple: you’re busy. AND you’re committed to reading/learning/growing and all that good stuff. When you put those two together, it can be hard to keep up!!!

"Have you noticed that in any given book, there are usually a bunch of REALLY “Big Ideas”—those life-changing gems that really make an impact in your life (those pages are usually all marked up, underlined, starred, highlighted and all that goodness in my books! ☺)?!?

"Well, what I’ve done is opened up my favorite books, gone straight to those pages with the BIG IDEAS and created “PhilosophersNotes” that quickly give you the inspiring gems along with my thoughts on how these ideas have impacted my life and how they can impact yours—all in the context of a 6-page PDF or a ~20-minute MP3 (so you can decide if you’d prefer to read over a cup of tea or listen on your way to work, on a hike, at the gym, doing errands or whatever’s best for you!)."

-Brian Johnson, Founder of PhilosophersNotes.com

All available on MP3 Download.

Listen to free samples of: PhilosophersNotes

Guide to American Literature
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Guide to American Literature

Listening to audio books and lectures is an excellent way to study American Literature. With numerous free audio books of classic works, along with literature and poetry recorded by superb narrators, listening to American literature can be more fun than reading it. There are also numerous lecture courses which cover the classics of American literature.

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