
Michael Kennon Audio

Michael Kennon is the CEO and President of Kennon Transport, LLC, a successful trucking business he runs with his wife of 13 years, Sue.  Before owning his own company, Mike was a runaway and was virtually homeless for most of his childhood and young adulthood.  To survive on the road, Mike drove trucks, sold encyclopedias, hustled pool, was a baker, ski instructor, sous chef, drug dealer just to name a few.   Drugs and other dependencies took over Mike's life to the point that he could not accept help when it was offered, nor could he stop running away from a past that haunted him. While now blessed with what he has achieved in his life and in his personal and family relationships, things were much different at one time.  "Memoirs of a Runaway:  A Story of Hope" is a tale of survival and spirituality.  Isolation and reconnection.  Most of all, it is a hand reaching out to those who travel down the same troubled path; a story of hope.

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