
Andrew T. Walker Audio Books

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by Andrew T. Walker
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What is transgender and gender fluidity? What does God's word actually say about these issues? How can the gospel be good news for someone experiencing gender dysphoria? How should churches respond?

by Andrew T. Walker
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Christians are often thought of as defending only their own religious interests in the public square.

by Andrew T. Walker
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Every Christian isn't called to adopt, but everyone is called to care for orphans.

by Andrew T. Walker
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One nation, under God. Religious liberty isn't a principle for Americans alone, though it certainly has played an important role in the history of the United States.

by Andrew T. Walker
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In the kingdom of God, it is not us against them. The problem of racism stretches back as far humanity's origin in the book of Genesis. Brother pitted against brother, tribe against tribe - people have warred against one another, fueled by contempt for racial differences.

by Andrew T. Walker
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Christian's should be known by what they are for, not simply what they are against.

by Andrew T. Walker
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You are not what you do. So often in America, we define who we are by what we do. We introduce ourselves by our job titles.

by Andrew T. Walker
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The pro-life moment didn't begin in the 1960s, but in the garden.

by Andrew T. Walker
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If marriage is a picture of Christ and the church, our homes should look like the gospel.

by Andrew T. Walker
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The problem isn't sex. God designed sex, and sex is good. Sex is a powerful union that brings men and women together. But when sex is distorted by sin, the misuse of our sexuality can alienate us from one another, causing immense harm and pain.

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