
Brian M. Fagan Audio & Video

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by Brian M. Fagan
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The thrilling history of archaeological adventure, with tales of danger, debate, audacious explorers, and astonishing discoveries around the globe

by Brian M. Fagan
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Written in a non-technical style by two archaeologists and experienced writers about the past, the story begins with human origins in Africa some six million years ago and the spread of our remote ancestors across the Old World.

by Brian M. Fagan
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The past fifteen thousand years--the entire span of human civilization--have witnessed dramatic sea level changes, which began with rapid global warming at the end of the Ice Age, when sea levels were more than 700 feet below modern levels.

by Brian M. Fagan
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Pulling back the covers on the fascinating, yet often forgotten, history of the bed

by Brian M. Fagan
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For more than a century, we've known that much of human evolution occurred in an Ice Age.

by Brian M. Fagan
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Animals, and our ever-changing relationships with them, have left an indelible mark on human history.

by Brian M. Fagan
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This course is chronological, beginning with the appearance of hominids in Africa, their evolution to Homo sapiens and the spread of Homo sapiens around the globe, to the rise of man’s first civilizations.

by Brian M. Fagan
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The Little Ice Age tells the story of the turbulent, unpredictable, and often very cold years of modern European history, how climate altered historical events, and what they mean in the context of today's global warming.

by Brian M. Fagan
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The scandalous rape of Ancient Egypt is a historical vignette of greed, vanity, and dedicated archaeological research.

by Brian M. Fagan
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Water. It caresses and comforts us, provides sustenance and refreshment, is something that humanity has cherished since the beginning of history, and means something different to everyone else.

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