
David M. Kennedy Audio & Video

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by David M. Kennedy
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The Great War of 1914-1918 confronted the United States with one of the most wrenching crises in the nation's history.

by David M. Kennedy
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Online Video (Free)

As the 21st Century begins, we face not one great national and global threat, but many. Religious and ethnic violence, climate change, dwindling resources, economic turbulence and poverty and disease among the world's most vulnerable threaten our wellbeing and our very existence.

by David M. Kennedy
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Between 1929 and 1945, two great travails were visited upon the American people: the Great Depression and World War II....

by David M. Kennedy
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Gang- and drug-related inner-city violence, with its attendant epidemic of incarceration, is the defining crime problem in our country....

by David M. Kennedy
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Harry Kreisler welcomes Pulitzer Prize winning historian David M. Kennedy to discuss what can be learned from The Great Depression.

1 - 5 of 5 Titles