Donald O. Clifton
Audio Books
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6 Titles
by Donald O. Clifton
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Organized around a simple metaphor of a dipper and bucket, this audiobook shows how even the briefest interactions profoundly affect people's relationships, productivity, health, and longevity.
by Donald O. Clifton
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Audio CD | Audio Cassette
Most of us fail to build our lives around individual strengths and talents -- instead, misguided by parents, teachers, managers, and psychology's fascination with pathology, we focus on our weaknesses while our abilities remain in the background.
by Donald O. Clifton
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Organized around a simple metaphor of a dipper and a bucket - already familiar to thousands of people - How Full Is Your Bucket? shows how even the smallest interactions we have with others every day profoundly affect our relationships, productivity, health and longevity.
by Donald O. Clifton
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Students and learners of all ages continually face the challenges of gaining direction, making decisions, and building self-confidence.
by Donald O. Clifton
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American churches are experiencing a power shortage, declare the authors of Living Your Strengths.
by Donald O. Clifton
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Audio Download
Organized around a simple metaphor of a dipper and a bucket - already familiar to thousands of people - How Full Is Your Bucket? shows how even the smallest interactions we have with others every day profoundly affect our relationships, productivity, health and longevity.
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6 Titles