Eben Alexander
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by Eben Alexander
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A Harvard-trained neurosurgeon's minute-by-minute account of his own near-death experience - and what he discovered in the heavenly realm beyond life.
by Eben Alexander
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The #1 best seller Proof of Heaven has already touched millions of lives, turning skeptics into believers in the existence of a universal dimension characterized by peace, acceptance and unconditional love that is accessible to all of us.
by Eben Alexander
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The author of the number-one New York Times best seller Proof of Heaven teams up with the sages of times past, modern scientists, and with ordinary people who have had profound spiritual experiences to show the reality of heaven and our true identities as spiritual beings.
by Eben Alexander
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Dr. Eben Alexander, author of international phenomenon Proof of Heaven, shares the next phase of his journey to understand the true nature of consciousness and how to cultivate a state of harmony with the universe and our higher purpose.
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