
Harry S. Truman Audio & Video

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by Harry S. Truman
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This is a compilation of highlights of some of the most well-known speeches of modern times, spanning the years of 1940-1987.

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free)

"There on that small piece of American soil anchored in Tokyo Harbor the Japanese have just officially laid down their arms."

by Harry S. Truman
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Online Audio (Free)

He led America through the end of World War II, and committed the nation to the containment of Soviet power without compromise.

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Audio (Free)

Below are complete audio recordings of some of Harry S. Truman's most important speeches as President.

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Video (Free)

"The supreme need of our time is for men to learn to live together in peace and harmony."

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free)

"Should we fail to aid Greece and Turkey in this fateful hour, the effect will be far reaching to the West as well as to the East."

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Video (Free)

"When Franklin Roosevelt died, I felt there must be a million men better qualified than I to take up the Presidential task."

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free)

"The Allied armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God's help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender."

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Download (Free)

"I should like to talk to you briefly about civil rights and human freedom."

by Harry S. Truman
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Audio Cassette

Derived from a question-and-answer series featuring Harry Truman, these rare recordings are straight from the shoulder. Topics discussed include his sudden presidency, the Truman Doctrine, Israel, NATO and General MacArthur.

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