
Jai Uttal Audio Books

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1 - 6 of 6 Titles
by Jai Uttal
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If you think you know the music of Jai Uttal, then get ready for a surprising adventure into uncharted territory.

by Jai Uttal
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Online Audio (Free)

On "Pranayama," Nubia Teixeira guides listeners through a restorative practice interweaving these breathing techniques with openhearted meditation, visualization, and singing.

by Jai Uttal
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Online Audio (Free)

Jai Uttal--premier world music composer and 2003 Grammy nominee--offers a moving mix of melody, rhythms, and chants with Music for Yoga and Other Joys.

by Jai Uttal
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Online Audio (Free)

Enter Loveland... a place where time dissolves, and the heart within your heart is awakened... where world music visionary Jai Uttal merges the pulsing beat of the universe with the flowing source of energy through sacred melodies to the Divine.

by Jai Uttal
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Audio Download | Audio CD | Audio Cassette

“Kirtan is the calling, the crying, the reaching across infinite space—and digging into the heart’s deepest well…

by Jai Uttal
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Audio Download

Nothing brings the practice of yoga alive like an energizing and rhythmic soundtrack....

1 - 6 of 6 Titles