
Mark Driscoll Audio & Video

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by Mark Driscoll
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Exodus is a real story about God redeeming his people from the bondage of slavery and how their difficult journey home exposed their loyalties - though wounded by Egypt, they had come to worship its gods.

by Mark Driscoll
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Recently, christianaudio partnered with Crossway to produce audio versions of 31 Crossway Good News Tracts.

by Mark Driscoll
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Pastor Mark Driscoll is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-preaching pastor.

by Mark Driscoll
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When Jesus needed help, he went to the Helper. Where do you go? If Jesus needed help, we all do.

by Mark Driscoll
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Two millennia after he walked the shores of Galilee, Jesus Christ is still making waves! But truth can get lost amid modern fiction and outlandish conspiracy theories.

by Mark Driscoll
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Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, talk about sex and marriage in down-to-earth terms, hitting issues other Christian books won't.....

by Mark Driscoll
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Clear, biblical answers to some of the most difficult and controversial questions about The Old Testament in one concise book you'll actually listen to!

by Mark Driscoll
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Audio Download

Who are you? What defines you? What is your identity? How you answer those questions affects every aspect of your life: personal, public, and spiritual. So it's vital to get the answer right.

by Mark Driscoll
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Audio Download

Clear, biblical answers to some of the most difficult and controversial questions about the New Testament in one concise book you'll actually listen to!

by Mark Driscoll
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Doctrine is the word Christians use to define the truth-claims revealed in Holy Scripture.

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