
Richard Dawkins Audio & Video

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by Richard Dawkins
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Richard Dawkins now turns his considerable intellect on religion, denouncing its faulty logic and the suffering it causes.

by Richard Dawkins
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Richard Dawkins' brilliant reformulation of the theory of natural selection has the rare distinction of having provoked as much excitement and interest outside the scientific community as within it....

by Richard Dawkins
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Richard Dawkins, the world’s most famous evolutionary biologist, presents a gorgeously lucid, science book examining some of the nature’s most fundamental questions both from a mythical and scientific perspective.

by Richard Dawkins
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Audio Download

The Blind Watchmaker is as prescient and timely a book as ever....

by Richard Dawkins
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In 2008, a Gallup poll showed that 44 percent of Americans believed God had created man in his present form within the last 10,000 years.

by Richard Dawkins
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Online Video (Free)

The Unbelievers joins Dawkins and Krauss as they speak to sold-out stadiums and halls across three continents.

by Richard Dawkins
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Online Video (Free)

The Enemies of Reason is a two-part television documentary, written and presented by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, in which he seeks to expose "those areas of belief that exist without scientific proof, yet manage to hold the nation under their spell", including mediumship, acupuncture and psychokinesis.

by Richard Dawkins
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In this free audio download from Audible.com, Richard Dawkins is interviewed about his controversial book The God Delusion.

by Richard Dawkins
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Online Video (Free)

In this TED talk, Oxford professor and author Richard Dawkins calls for atheists to step forward and join forces against religions unquestioned dominance of politics and culture.

by Richard Dawkins
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The Poetry of Reality is hosted by world renowned truth-teller, evolutionary biologist and best-selling author, Professor Richard Dawkins.

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