
Richard M. Nixon Audio & Video

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by Richard M. Nixon
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"In passing this office to the Vice President, I also do so with the profound sense of the weight of responsibility..."

by Richard M. Nixon
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"Tonight I want to talk to you on a subject of deep concern to all Americans and to many people in all parts of the world, the war in Vietnam."

by Richard M. Nixon
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"War is a terrible and cruel experience for a nation, and it's particularly terrible and cruel for those who bear the burden of fighting."

by Richard M. Nixon
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Former U.S. President Richard Nixon candidly reflects on his career and discusses such topics as the USSR., Mikhail Gorbachev, secrecy, Watergate, and more....

by Richard M. Nixon
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"And so I say to you on this occasion we leave, we leave proud of the people who have stood by us and worked for us..."

by Richard M. Nixon
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President Richard Nixon delivered his first inaugural address on January 20, 1969.

by Richard M. Nixon
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Schoolchildren absorb at least one fact about Richard Milhous Nixon: He was the first and (so far) the only President of the United States to resign the office.

by Richard M. Nixon
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Includes eight highlights of speeches, beginning with the Checkers Speech from 1952, the debate with John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, Nixon/Kruschev debate and his resignation.

by Richard M. Nixon
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"I come before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice Presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned."

by Richard M. Nixon
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Vice President Nixon and Premier Krushchev waged an impromptu debate on the benefits of communism vs. capitalism, which became known as the "kitchen debate."

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