Robert H. Bork
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by Robert H. Bork
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There are often said to be two competing schools for interpreting the meaning of the Constitution. On one side are those who believe that the meaning of the Constitution must evolve over time as society itself changes.
by Robert H. Bork
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On July 1, 1987, Judge Robert H. Bork was nominated to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan - but by October...
by Robert H. Bork
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Online Video (Free)
"Anyone who has followed the political-correctness debate knows," as Michael Kinsley puts it, "that, by reputation at least, we are at the heart of the beast. It was here at the University of Pennsylvania last year that a white freshman was charged with racial harassment for calling a group of black women 'water buffalo.'
by Robert H. Bork
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Audio Cassette
America as a nation is now slouching not towards Bethlehem but toward Gomorrah, the biblical city burned to the ground for the sinfulness of its people.
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